Kishore Biyani
Group CEO, Future Group
Kishore Biyani is the Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer of Future Group, one of India’s leading consumer goods organizations focussed on the food, FMCG and fashion sectors in India. In 2001, Kishore led the creation of Big Bazaar, a uniquely Indian hypermarket network that connects thousands of small and large manufacturers to millions of customers. Big Bazaar today is counted among the most trusted brands in the country. Since then, a number of retail hains have become part of Future Group. These include fashion chains such as Nb, Central and Brand Factory, neighbourhood convenience store chains, Nilgiris, Heritage and EasyDay and various digital platforms. Collectively, these are spread over 20 million square feet of retail space in over 240 cites and towns in almost every state of India. Future Group stores attracted over 400 million customer visits annually.
Future Group is also home to a large number of consumer goods brands in the fashion, food, home and personal care space and these are backed by an extensive presence across the entire value chain, including design and product development, sourcing of fabric and agricultural produce, manufacturing and distribution. Most of these brands are also available across other modern retail chains and general trade across the country. Kishore has also led Future Group in investing and mentoring a number of supply partners and entrepreneurs as well as forming joint ventures with British footwear market, Clarks, Europe’s leading insurer, Generali Group, America’s Hain Celestial, Swiss consumer goods group, Middle and Middle East’s Ramdas Khimji.
Kishore is a firm believer in the maxim of ‘Rewrite Rules, Retain Values.’ He was born in Mumbai in 1961. In 2007, he authored the book, ‘It Happened in India.’